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trust cuts like a knife, then hitting a wall we deflate, and realizing you somehow never sawsuch a current, revealed issue, slices even deeper. love is blind.

A myspace binge definitely sparked the stir of heart i craved so badly today so thank you for sharing, and for loving MA. You're an absolute blessing. I'm more and more convinced that very few people get to explore the world with so much surrender, conscious vulnerability and blind hope... wanna see you in London again, very soon!

from a sycamore tree two rain drops fell.

one said to the other: 'before i die, i want to see all the beauty in the world.'

the other said: 'have you not seen enough already? the sky opened up, thunder and lightening guided us down like snow in an avalanche. did you not hear its mighty roar? rivers will flow with our brothers and sisters, and this world shall be watered. look how the grey sky has made way for a beautiful blue world and look at the sun. its rays are our cousins.

'did all that really happen? he asked 'i was busy looking else where.'
'what more do you want to see' the other questioned.
'i want to be a superstar' he said.
'what's that?' said the other.
'i saw one fly overhead.'
'you mean a shooting star?'

unfortunately, the sun was bright that day.
dreams come and go and what they both learnt was some just fadeaway x


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