All Rise , originally uploaded by colby hanks - pray hard. live easy. . O LORD, I marvel that Thou shouldst become incarnate, be crucified, dead, and buried. The tomb calls forth my adoring wonder, for it is empty and Thou art risen; the four-fold Gospel attests it, the living witnesses prove it, my heart’s experience knows it. Give me to die with Thee that I may rise to new life, for I wish to be as dead and buried to sin, to selfishness, to the world; that I might not hear the voice of the charmer, and might be delivered from his lusts. O Lord, there is much ill about me – crucify it, much flesh within me – mortify it. Purge me from selfishness, the fear of man, the love of praise, the shame of being thought old-fashioned, the desire to be cultivated or modern. Let me reckon my old life dead because of crucifixion, and never feed it as a living thing. Grant me to stand with my dying Saviour, to be content to be rejecte...