Birthday Wishes , originally uploaded by colby hanks - pray hard. live easy. . The annual celebration of Birthdays seems to take its honourees hostage, awakening new heights and depths of spirit with an out-pouring of love. Between bursts of fresh, invigorating awe this week, I found myself overwhelmed by friends and family whose care for those around us is infectious, whose joy for living is irrestibly contagious, and whose thoughtfulness touches the soul. Therefore, feeling passionately encouraged by the abundance of blessings around me, I pass these wise wishes received onwards to you. May we hold shields over our fragile hearts and never stop exploring this precious gift of sharing life with one another! My wish is that you'll know with all your heart that you are loved, resting in radiant relationships which energize and refresh you. In this grand design, I am forever thankful that God wrote you into His story, and especially into mine. I hope you feel incredibly special today...