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Showing posts from April, 2007

Global Dwelling

Coffs Harbour Jetty , aslinya di-upload oleh -yury- Dive into the world you believe in. And as you carve the life you crave, here's few fun strategies to lighten your days:  Celebrate where you’re from, past and present. Your family and friends, your neighbourhood and neighbours, your school, your city and country, your job, your planet and your creator, have made today possible. Plan and support reunions, milestones and tributes. Seek out people who inspire you and welcome support from unexpected sources, strangers, books and lyrics. Allow chemistry to work its magic; welcome hints and change, no matter how seemingly strange. Live comfortably. Weed out what doesn't work, what doesn't make you thrive, in your closet, your kitchen, your garden, your inbox and your relationships. Make room to evolve at any time.  Keep moving. Feel your heart pound. Sweat and laugh your stresses out every chance you get. Feed your spirit. Hear it whisper. Fe...